Welcome to the Information Age Video Awards 2012


At the heart of the IT sector lies dynamic leadership and relentless innovation. Both factors are so common that the majority go unnoticed and are accepted as the norm. In 2008, Information Age became the greatest media innovator within the IT sector, and through online promotion, enticed its audience to cast over 1,800 votes in the first Information Age leadership and innovation video awards. In 2009 we had over 30 companies participate and generated over 4000 votes.

For the fourth year running, Information Age, the UK’s leading IT-in-business magazine, will reward individuals and companies for their leadership and innovation. The Information Age Awards are an entirely online-based awards scheme and awards are presented via the website and in our printed publication.

Unique to this IT awards programme, all of the 45,000 online users of www.information-age.com will be invited to be a judge: all of the entries in the Innovation categories will be hosted online at www.Information-Age.com, and readers will be able to view, comment and vote for the most impressive innovations.

The reward

Taking part in the 2012 Information Age Leadership and Innovation Awards will place your brand and solution in front of over 45,000 I.T professionals who read and use www.information-age.com per month. The awards offer greater longevity than any other awards programme of its type, and real ROI.

Winners and runners up will be published in Information Age, www.information-age.com and in the Information Age App – including the submitted video.  In addition the winners will be interviewed on camera by Information Age with the winning content featured on www.information-age.com

The process

Information Age, in conjunction with BlueChew Digital productions, will create your 3 minute video. This will be used on www.information-age.com in the build up to the awards, for the purpose of generating votes, and promoted via our bulletin, which is sent to over 22,000 readers weekly. Post awards, the video will remain hosted on www.information-age.com for over 8 months. During this time we anticipate that over 150,000 online users will have the chance of reviewing the content. The awards entrant will also be provided with the video to use as ongoing marketing collateral.


Pete Swabey

Pete Swabey

Pete was Editor of Information Age and head of technology research for Vitesse Media plc from 2005 to 2013, before moving on to be Senior Editor and then Editorial Director at The Economist Intelligence...

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