
Software and Applications

News and analysis on applications and development for software and mobile in business environments, including features and case studies on systems integration, DevOps and other app development for IT professionals.

How to buy: bitcoin guide

Bitcoin is quickly entering the realms of transactions, but how can you buy this explosive phenomenon?



Blockchain: separating hype from reality

The latest installment of Innovation Spotlight has founder and MD of TrustMe - Antony Abell - discussing the trend of blockchain.

Financial Services

5 steps to choose the right trading platform for beginners

AI & Machine Learning

How the automotive industry is paving the way for website development


Malware found lurking behind every app of alternative Android store

AI & Machine Learning

Bank workloads to be taken over by machines

A report from McKinsey looks at automation in finance, analysing the potential for a number of emerging technologies.

Consumer Electronics & Mobile

In an ‘evil internet minute’: £656,393 is lost to cybercrime

As the cyber threat advances, the risks posed to organisations and individuals increases, as does the cost.

AI & Machine Learning

The top 10 digital trends influencing organisations and the world around them

Consumer Electronics & Mobile

In an ‘evil internet minute’: £656,393 is lost to cybercrime

As the cyber threat advances, the risks posed to organisations and individuals increases, as does the cost.

AI & Machine Learning

The top 10 digital trends influencing organisations and the world around them

AI & Machine Learning

AI technologies will be in almost every software product by 2020 – Gartner

Digital Transformation

Open banking leading financial services revolution

Digital Transformation

Open banking: banking’s key to customer loyalty

There is a call for banks to step up in the race to provide a better customer experience and hold on to their market share.


What automakers can learn from enterprise IoT

The connected car market is facing many of the same IoT-related challenges that enterprises have already encountered and overcome.

Partner Content

Tips for making sure your AI-powered FP&A efforts are successful

AI has the potential to make business finance modelling projects more efficient and impactful, but only with the right approach

Partner Content

Would you let an AI robot handle 90% of your meetings?

Zoom's founder believes AI clones could attend meetings on our behalf. Aoibhinn McBride of Jobbio explores AI in the workplace