
Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation is a well-touted word in today’s business landscape. In this section we look at the accelerating integration of technology into all elements of the enterprise, the effects of digital disruption and the role of interconnectedness all fuelling the DX evolution.

CIOs must define an event-centric digital business strategy – Gartner

AI & Machine Learning

Digital Transformation

UK business growth ambitions high, but IT innovation hindered by Brexit

AI & Machine Learning

Brexit ambiguity hinders digital drive in UK

Business Skills

Is 2017 the year employees get the right tools for ultimate efficiency?

Digital Transformation

The next generation of e-commerce starts in Dublin

Data Analytics & Data Science

Big data is helping reinvent companies through digital transformation

One startup is using big data to help organisations on their necessary digital transformation journey - avoiding disruption in the process.


Retailers are rushing to digital transformation to avoid being ‘Amazoned’

Cloud & Edge Computing

‘84% of all middleware will be replaced in the next four years’


Retailers are rushing to digital transformation to avoid being ‘Amazoned’

Cloud & Edge Computing

‘84% of all middleware will be replaced in the next four years’

Digital Transformation

Improving application performance to meet business needs

Business & Strategy

Only half of local authorities are prepared for a cyber attack: surprised?

AI & Machine Learning

Unmanned cargo ships: the future method of transporting goods

Digital Transformation

The ATM at 50: Are British banks missing a FinTech trick?

Partner Content

Tips for making sure your AI-powered FP&A efforts are successful

AI has the potential to make business finance modelling projects more efficient and impactful, but only with the right approach

Partner Content

Would you let an AI robot handle 90% of your meetings?

Zoom's founder believes AI clones could attend meetings on our behalf. Aoibhinn McBride of Jobbio explores AI in the workplace