
Data Protection & Privacy

Information, articles and expert guides for professionals in the fields of data protection and information privacy. Covers topics around the collection, storage, processing or transfer of personal data. Also, implications of privacy law as well as the latest regulations.

A rule of 3: Three mobile network hacked by 3 men

Consumer Electronics & Mobile

Communications & Networking

Forget IoT, what about the Security of Things?


5 things to do after your employee has gone rogue


Want to beat ransomware? Let it run!


Teenager admits hacking TalkTalk


Ignorance is not bliss when your data has been hacked or stolen


Friend Finder Networks accounts hacked

Cloud & Edge Computing

Does size matter with cloud service providers post-GDPR?


Friend Finder Networks accounts hacked

Cloud & Edge Computing

Does size matter with cloud service providers post-GDPR?

Cloud & Edge Computing

Cloud service providers key to avoiding data regulation penalties


Why are enterprise data breaches at an all-time high?

AI & Machine Learning

The GDPR flood: more significant than the Millennium bug?

As EU GDPR approaches Information Age wanted to learn what businesses are doing to prepare and what solutions are available.


The movement toward identity-centric security

Partner Content

Tips for making sure your AI-powered FP&A efforts are successful

AI has the potential to make business finance modelling projects more efficient and impactful, but only with the right approach

Partner Content

Would you let an AI robot handle 90% of your meetings?

Zoom's founder believes AI clones could attend meetings on our behalf. Aoibhinn McBride of Jobbio explores AI in the workplace