
Automation & Robotics

Coverage of the Automation revolution, its huge potential to enhance innovation and productivity and its profound impact on the fundamentals of business and society. News and developments in the world of robotics – the IT sector where engineering and computer science meet.

Automated chatbots don’t chat, they debate?

Vanita Tanna, head of Experience and Service Design at Rufus Leonard, explores our relationship with chatbot technology.

Automation & Robotics

Automation & Robotics

Misconceptions about the term RPA: would removing a letter from the acronym help?

Automation & Robotics

Don’t be an RPA tourist, implement effective change management

Automation & Robotics

The digital colleague is here… say hello to your new co-worker

Johan Toll, executive director of transformations at IPsoft, explores the differences between a chatbot and a digital colleague.

Automation & Robotics

Natural language processing gives a voice to digital processes

Automation & Robotics

Accounts payable automation: Fighting fraud one payment at a time

Automation & Robotics

How organisations are enjoying the benefits of RPA

Automation & Robotics

The era of RPA-powered customer service!

Automation & Robotics

How organisations are enjoying the benefits of RPA

Automation & Robotics

The era of RPA-powered customer service!

Automation & Robotics

How is Virtusa helping companies scale RPA?

Often, organisations will deploy an RPA solution in one department. But, they often hit a wall if there is a desire to scale RPA.

Automation & Robotics

Debunking five myths about process automation

Automation & Robotics

Automating accounts payable: RPA, fuzzy logic and turning black lists into the black

Automation & Robotics

Four tips on breaking down the barriers to RPA adoption

Partner Content

Would you let an AI robot handle 90% of your meetings?

Zoom's founder believes AI clones could attend meetings on our behalf. Aoibhinn McBride of Jobbio explores AI in the workplace