TfL signs £20m IT outsourcing extension with CSC

Transport for London has signed a contract extension with US IT services giant CSC, worth $33 million (£20 million) over the next two years.

CSC first signed a contract with TfL to provide desktop management, service desk support and a "and a large proportion of the server and storage assets" in January 2007, after the transport operator dropped its previous supplier Logica.

The new contract extension covers desktop support and service desks, but also "the delivery of real-time customer information at a number of London underground stations".

In May last year, TfL issued a tender for a contract to provide a single IT service desk for the entire organisation. The contract, worth up to £70 million over ten years, was to provide "a single point of contact for all IT incidents, catalogue service requests and queries".

The tender said that the "contract will have TUPE implications", i.e. it would involve the transfer of some TfL staff to the successful supplier.

However, in August, TfL postponed the tender. At the time, a spokesperson told Guardian Government Computing that "the procurement is just on hold at the moment but we still expect it to go ahead, just not now."

It is not yet clear whether CSC has been contracted to supply the "single point of contact for all IT incidents" or if that proposal has been scrapped altogether.

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Ben Rossi

Ben was Vitesse Media's editorial director, leading content creation and editorial strategy across all Vitesse products, including its market-leading B2B and consumer magazines, websites, research and...

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