
Blockchain Technology


The future of digital currency


EXCLUSIVE: Breaking down the disbelief around cryptocurrencies


How blockchain will rearrange the internet landscape

AI & Machine Learning

5 ways blockchain technology is changing the world

Blockchain - the technology underpinning cryptocurrencies - has many applications outside this space. Kingsley Advani - Angel Investor - explains how blockchain technology is changing the world

AI & Machine Learning

Global IT spending to reach $3.7TN in 2018 – Gartner

As businesses become more reliant on different technologies, Gartner has predicted that IT budgets for 2018 are forecast to grow.


C-suite execs investing heavily in blockchain to remain competitive

AI & Machine Learning

Predictive marketing: taking the guesswork out of adverts

Identifying customer profiles has always been something of an art for marketers - with the right technology partner it can now be more scientific.


Who should be smart about smart contracts?


Blockchain technology: from hype to reality

AI & Machine Learning

Digital business trends in 2017


How disruptive tech trends can affect your data


Current investment in blockchain is just the tip of the iceberg

A spike in investment in blockchain technology projects, and while the banking sector appears to be taking centre stage, the implications are far wider.

Partner Content

Tips for making sure your AI-powered FP&A efforts are successful

AI has the potential to make business finance modelling projects more efficient and impactful, but only with the right approach

Partner Content

Would you let an AI robot handle 90% of your meetings?

Zoom's founder believes AI clones could attend meetings on our behalf. Aoibhinn McBride of Jobbio explores AI in the workplace