
A.I. Artificial Intelligence

AI & Machine Learning

True AI doesn’t exist yet…it’s augmented intelligence

With the hype surrounding AI, it is easy to forget that true AI doesn't exist yet. Instead companies are leveraging augmented intelligence.

AI & Machine Learning

Demand for new legislation on AI after expert’s warning

Public wants action after Elon Musk - Tesla CEO - warns about artificial intelligence (AI) weaponry and ‘killer robots’.

AI & Machine Learning

Managing the AI pivot

How can the the artificial intelligence team within an organisation integrate the software into the wider business?

AI & Machine Learning

Business outcome orientated big data deployments

What do advances in AI, agility and data lakes mean for the deployment of big data projects over the next few years?

AI & Machine Learning

The biggest tech trends banks need to be aware of

AI & Machine Learning

Could your business rely on automated translation technology?

In the translation industry, what was once science fiction is becoming science fact. And translation automation is more important than ever.

AI & Machine Learning

Enterprise adoption of VPA-enabled speakers will spark market growth

AI & Machine Learning

On command: Google and Walmart team up to offer voice shopping

Walmart has partnered with Google to offer voice shopping to consumers, representing the next step in the retail experience.

AI & Machine Learning

Chatbots for customer service in industrial IT

The reliance on AI in customer service is here. But how do IT leaders bridge the gap between human interaction and chatbot utilisation?

AI & Machine Learning

Predictive marketing: taking the guesswork out of adverts

Identifying customer profiles has always been something of an art for marketers - with the right technology partner it can now be more scientific.

AI & Machine Learning

Modern technology benefits

Technology is revolutionising almost every aspect of day-to-day lives and business operations, from driverless cars to data analytics.

AI & Machine Learning

AI leaders warn of ‘killer robots’ in letter to United Nations

More than 100 AI leaders and robotics experts have warned about the development of ‘killer robots’, and the dangers this poses.

Partner Content

Tips for making sure your AI-powered FP&A efforts are successful

AI has the potential to make business finance modelling projects more efficient and impactful, but only with the right approach

Partner Content

Would you let an AI robot handle 90% of your meetings?

Zoom's founder believes AI clones could attend meetings on our behalf. Aoibhinn McBride of Jobbio explores AI in the workplace