
Healthcare & Life Sciences

News and insight on critical strategic trends and  technological innovations within the health technology and life sciences sectors. Life Science technologies include various fields within the biomedical sector including biological data analytics, bioinformatics, advances in biomaterials and bioelectronics, biomedical engineering, as well as the neuroscience sector.

Harnessing the power of the cloud to benefit drug development

Cloud & Edge Computing


MTI to work with NHS Digital

AI & Machine Learning

What is the potential of AI in healthcare?


How to navigate the NHS data protection minefield


Blockchain’s potential role in securing the healthcare industry


Is £150M enough to stem the growing IoT cyber threat facing the NHS?

The healthcare sector is a target for hackers, and the emergence of the IoT - while improving service - is increasing vulnerabilities.

Data Analytics & Data Science

The impact of data analytics on healthcare

Cloud & Edge Computing

How cloud technology is transforming the healthcare industry

The healthcare industry is one of the most challenging to transform, because of the huge number of legacy systems, combined with the amount of highly sensitive, personalised information.

Data Analytics & Data Science

The impact of data analytics on healthcare

Cloud & Edge Computing

How cloud technology is transforming the healthcare industry

The healthcare industry is one of the most challenging to transform, because of the huge number of legacy systems, combined with the amount of highly sensitive, personalised information.

Healthcare & Life Sciences

How tech is revolutionising care for people with dementia

With awareness surrounding dementia steadily increasing, innovative technology has begun to transform the way in which healthcare operators provide care.


NHS deal: A big step in defending against future cyber attacks?

Over the weekend, the NHS took a big step towards revolutionising its technology, improving customer service and protecting itself against cyber attacks, like WannaCry.

Healthcare & Life Sciences

The modern hospital network – delivering patient care and security

Today hospital networks and the people who implement and maintain them face mounting pressure to enable higher standards of patient care and security.

Digital Transformation

Healthcare will become digitised by 2030 to keep services alive

Automation, robotics and self-diagnosis will soon play a vital role in caring for ageing populations and creating better experiences for both patients and health workers, but security risks could rise - according to an Aruba report published today.

Partner Content

Tips for making sure your AI-powered FP&A efforts are successful

AI has the potential to make business finance modelling projects more efficient and impactful, but only with the right approach

Partner Content

Would you let an AI robot handle 90% of your meetings?

Zoom's founder believes AI clones could attend meetings on our behalf. Aoibhinn McBride of Jobbio explores AI in the workplace