
Government & Public Sector

News, features and case studies of public sector organisations deploying technology, focusing on the reasons for investment, return on investment, challenges and overall results.

The UK needs to overhaul its R&D tax credits system in relation to startups

Government & Public Sector

Government & Public Sector

How does the government fund and support UK tech startups?

The government has several funding routes for tech startups, as well as a strong support system aimed at at fostering UK tech startups.


Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong looking to the digital future: “We’ve plucked all the low-hanging fruit”

In a Q&A at the Smart Nation Summit, Singapore's Prime Minister - Lee Hsien Loong - discussed his vision for the country's digital future.

Government & Public Sector

The IMDA: two years on — “trust and innovation are two sides of the same coin”

Digital Transformation

How much should police forces be spending on digital transformation?

AI & Machine Learning

Sadiq Khan: Brexit chaos has sidelined vital preparations for impact of AI and technological change in UK

Government & Public Sector

Behind the scenes of Making Tax Digital – and the next chapter

Casper Winkelman, solution principal at Sovos, explains why Making Tax Digital is going to dominate discussions in the FinTech market.

AI & Machine Learning

EU AI guidelines will help unlock potential of AI technology

Government & Public Sector

Behind the scenes of Making Tax Digital – and the next chapter

Casper Winkelman, solution principal at Sovos, explains why Making Tax Digital is going to dominate discussions in the FinTech market.

AI & Machine Learning

EU AI guidelines will help unlock potential of AI technology

Government & Public Sector

Government CIOs use of data analytics: challenges and opportunities

Government & Public Sector

How technology could help detect social care fraud

Government & Public Sector

Gartner: Over half of government IT workers will occupy roles that don’t exist today

Government & Public Sector

Behind Lincolnshire Police’s digital transformation journey