Becoming an interim manager

While it is easy to get settled working for the same company year after year, some people relish working for multiple firms in a short space of time and enjoy facing a variety of different challenges in each one.

Usually, an interim manager is called into a role for a predefined period to act as a problem-solver, and they are usually hired when companies are undergoing periods of transition. This can mean anything from rapid expansion , to overseas relocation , to total reorganisation – each will require a different set of skills to manage effectively.

While a large number of interim managers are hired for their expertise in a particular field, there is another important reason companies like to use them: objectivity. An interim manager will usually have no previous experience of a particular company's history and therefore no personal investment in anything other than doing the job at hand. This enables them to work closely with decision-makers while providing a unique perspective on the challenges facing a company.

Becoming an interim manager or director can be a radical change from a traditional corporate role, but many find it is one of the best career decisions they have ever made. That isn't to say that there are no disadvantages to becoming an interim manager. Like contractors, interims do not always have a guaranteed flow of assignments, and should therefore be confident in their financial stability before making the change. Interims also receive no paid benefits such as holiday pay, sick leave and pensions, and are responsible for arranging their own time off.

Weighed against this, however, is a whole new level flexibility in your day-to-day routine, the chance to travel, meet new people all the time and, perhaps most importantly, gain new and valuable experience with each assignment. Interim managers may operate independently, or alternatively through a specialised recruitment firm like, who will provide assignments and leads for new work in your sector.

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Ben Rossi

Ben was Vitesse Media's editorial director, leading content creation and editorial strategy across all Vitesse products, including its market-leading B2B and consumer magazines, websites, research and...

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