
Sadie Williamson is the founder of Williamson Fintech Consulting. With over a decade in the fintech arena under her belt, she helps fintech firms to develop custom solutions targeting a variety of verticals. Her fintech expertise spans software development, the mobile web and blockchain applications. In addition, Williamson is currently developing a leadership program for small business owners, with plans to launch in late 2018.

Data Analytics & Data Science

Charting the AI-fuelled evolution of embedded analytics

Deep integrations into everyday apps are bringing the power of LLM-enhanced data analytics to business users across use cases

Business & Strategy

Why CISOs need to pay attention to geopolitical trends

Keeping up with geopolitical trends isn't just another thing on the to-do list for CISOs – it's essential. Here's why

Partner Content

Tips for making sure your AI-powered FP&A efforts are successful

AI has the potential to make business finance modelling projects more efficient and impactful, but only with the right approach

Healthcare & Life Sciences

Is HIPAA enough to protect patient privacy in the digital era?

It’s well known that HIPAA was developed and enacted in order to protect patient privacy, enforce patient rights, and ensure that patient information is kept confidential. But it was first passed in 1996, which was a totally different era.


3 cybersecurity compliance challenges and how to address them

Earning those trust seals can strengthen relationships with board members and prospective customers, but it sure isn’t easy.

Cloud & Edge Computing

Why multi-cloud key management is the future of enterprise security

To keep the entire enterprise secure against evolving cyber attacks, multi-cloud key management is essential

AI & Machine Learning

Ensuring safety of digital communities with next-gen AI and proactive care

AI & Machine Learning

How machine learning can course-correct inherent biases in recruiting

Business & Strategy

Trends in enterprise lead generation for the New Normal

AI & Machine Learning

How to sharpen machine learning with smarter management of edge cases

AI & Machine Learning

Five trends in machine learning-enhanced analytics to watch in 2021

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation critical to business recovery in 2021, says new research