
Nick Ismail is a former editor for Information Age (from 2018 to 2022) before moving on to become Global Head of Brand Journalism at HCLTech. He has a particular interest in smart technologies, AI and cyber security.

Cloud & Edge Computing

Taking control of the multi-cloud environment

Healthcare & Life Sciences

The future of home healthcare will rely on integrated service models

Business & Strategy

Educating CEOs: DR sites in the cloud

Communications & Networking

Could frustrations with network congestion be a thing of the past?

Business Continuity

Tech Leaders Awards 2018 – nominations open!


The future of digital currency


Employee attitude is as important as technology when securing data

Tech Giants

Robo-advice industry must build confidence and investor engagement

Ian Peacock, the chief client officer at IG, the UK-based company which provides a trading platform in financial derivatives, says robo-advisors are falling short on inspiring confidence, or investor engagement, regarding its disruptive services' sector

Data Analytics & Data Science

The importance of businesses not neglecting data management

AI & Machine Learning

Britain sees world-beating growth in artificial intelligence jobs

AI & Machine Learning

The route to a fully autonomous drone

Cloud & Edge Computing

Multi-cloud is the right tool for the job