
Nick Ismail is a former editor for Information Age (from 2018 to 2022) before moving on to become Global Head of Brand Journalism at HCLTech. He has a particular interest in smart technologies, AI and cyber security.

Government & Public Sector

Brexit paralysis is ‘harming IT transformation’ prospects

Cloud & Edge Computing

The inevitable move to the cloud for 100% of organisations

Data Protection & Privacy

The government is ‘watching’ your online activity

Britons are unaware their online activity is being monitored by the government, according to survey.


Ransomware – the new highway robbery

Emerging Technology

Addressing social challenges with digital technologies


Losing the war for tech talent


North Korea implicated in WannaCry ransomware attack – NSA


Embracing women in cyber security: bridging the talent gap

Business Continuity

Understanding application workloads for more agile, innovative IT

Development & Programming

Let’s not take the art out of coding

It is important not to take the art out of coding, especially in order to inspire the next generation of coders and innovative thinkers.

AI & Machine Learning

NHS Trust successfully fought back WannaCry ransomware with AI

AI & Machine Learning

Smart factories to add $500BN to global economy in next 5 years