
Nick Ismail is a former editor for Information Age (from 2018 to 2022) before moving on to become Global Head of Brand Journalism at HCLTech. He has a particular interest in smart technologies, AI and cyber security.

Data Analytics & Data Science

Sports data: why it can fall flat and why it doesn’t have to


The insider threat – are legacy systems the weakest link?


Succeeding as a woman in tech: advocacy is the answer

Anjali Norwood, founding engineer at Arcadia Data, discusses why advocacy is essential for women looking to make it in the technology space.

AI & Machine Learning

Give the public technology to drive innovation


WannaCry and BlueDoom deterred by a layered approach to cyber defence

Governance, Risk and Compliance

1 year countdown to GDPR: answers to the five most asked questions

Data Analytics & Data Science

Distinguishing actions from details: the rise of the data co-op

Financial Services

Augmented reality in the industrial environment: the benefits and challenges

AI & Machine Learning

The robots are coming: machine learning now enhances itself

Business Skills

Sending a consistent message is essential to keep girls in STEM

Business Skills

How to fix the broken coding interview

AI & Machine Learning

Could bank cashiers soon be replaced by chatbots?