
Nick Ismail is a former editor for Information Age (from 2018 to 2022) before moving on to become Global Head of Brand Journalism at HCLTech. He has a particular interest in smart technologies, AI and cyber security.

Communications & Networking

Broadband connection speeds may not be up to standard for 6 million +


UK SMEs targeted to extreme by hackers

Communications & Networking

How fast are businesses running in the digital fitness race?

Development & Programming

Managing SDKs for an API platform

Some of the most successful API companies have used developer experience to take over and dominate a market.

Business Skills

Are there the required skills to capitalise on the digital rail industry?

Business Continuity

GDPR compliance naivety in the face of disaster recovery

Media & Marketing

The impact of social on business


The rise of cybercrime continues to accelerate

Consumer Electronics & Mobile

Blindspot: mobile apps pose a large threat to corporate data

AI & Machine Learning

Demand for artificial intelligence goes global

Demand for artificial intelligence reaches four continents in three months, new figures from Synechron show.

Government & Public Sector

Moving to the cloud can help government get better value from suppliers

Many public sector organisations are hamstrung by legacy vendor relationships, typically with the large outsourcers.


Reality check: one zero-day doesn’t equal an attack

Vulnerabilities are everywhere, and although they can’t be totally evaded, they can be countered effectively.