
Nick Ismail is a former editor for Information Age (from 2018 to 2022) before moving on to become Global Head of Brand Journalism at HCLTech. He has a particular interest in smart technologies, AI and cyber security.

Data Analytics & Data Science

Don’t suffer in data siloes

The problem with data these days is that it’s inarticulate. And almost always siloed too. And it’s the customer who suffers.

Business & Strategy

CIOs: don’t declare war on business unit spending

Good CIOs will recognise that business unit goals are their goals and business unit metrics are their metrics.


Women in IT figures indicate how much work still needs to be done

Data Protection & Privacy

US Department of Justice demands details of anti-Trump protestors

A US web service provider is fighting an order from the US Department of Justice to hand over details of millions of anti-Trump protestors.


Online banking and financial services: is the end-user protected?

Cyber security touches upon all areas of day-to-day life and is able to dominate global headlines as more and more attacks come to light.


Securing today’s highly distributed enterprise

Many organisations have multiple work sites that need to be securely connected to each other and the internet.

AI & Machine Learning

Chatbots: catering to the instant shopper

Chatbots are helping businesses interact with customers, providing that vital level of scalable customer service.

AI & Machine Learning

Unlocking the business opportunity of artificial intelligence

In pursuit of digital transformation, business leaders are seeking practical applications to leverage artificial intelligence.

Cloud & Edge Computing

Securing today’s ever changing cloud environment

Enterprises have rapidly incorporated cloud computing over the last decade. As that trend accelerates, the cloud needs to be secured.

AI & Machine Learning

3 mega-trends that will drive digital business into the next decade – Gartner

Gartner's 2017 Emerging Technologies Hype Cycle has whittled down more than 2,000 technologies - which will shape digital business - to 3.


Compromised credentials and the enterprise: an accident waiting to happen?

How can IT departments deal with the issue of compromised credentials and implement policies that protect data.


NHS WannaCry cyber defender pleads not guilty in US court case

Marcus Hutchins - the hero who helped halt WannaCry - was arrested by the FBI, accused of involvement with the distribution of a malware.