
Nick Ismail is a former editor for Information Age (from 2018 to 2022) before moving on to become Global Head of Brand Journalism at HCLTech. He has a particular interest in smart technologies, AI and cyber security.


UK’s critical infrastructure ‘skipping basic cyber security checks’


How smart cities will lay the way for autonomous cars

Media & Marketing

What your brand can learn from Amazon’s culture of innovation

Amazon's customer-first and iterative approach has enabled the company to achieve a level of success like no other.

Consumer Electronics & Mobile

How much is my mobile phone mast worth?

If you are a mobile phone mast landlord then you may be wondering just how much your mobile phone mast is actually worth.

Tech Giants

Diversification is paramount to Sky’s success

AI & Machine Learning

Self-driving lorries ready for trials on UK roads

The UK government today announcement that partially self-driving lorries will be tried out on major British roads by the end of next year.

Business Skills

Cyber-police academy

Digital skills are important in every industry, and the police force is no different.

Business & Strategy

How can CIOs address data sovereignty?

AI & Machine Learning

AI: the next level of smart customer service?

Chatbots and other artificial intelligence platforms like virtual assistants are becoming more proficient at dealing with customer enquiries.

Media & Marketing

Technology is impacting the Game of Thrones viewing experience

What technological changes have people experienced over the programme's seven seasons, and how has the viewing experience evolved?

Business & Strategy

Preparing the emergency services for a wave of new data

Government & Public Sector

Mayor appoints London’s first chief digital officer

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has today (25 August) appointed Theo Blackwell as the capital’s first ever chief digital officer (CDO).