
Nick Ismail is a former editor for Information Age (from 2018 to 2022) before moving on to become Global Head of Brand Journalism at HCLTech. He has a particular interest in smart technologies, AI and cyber security.

Consumer Electronics & Mobile

Telco databases are tricky

This article is a deep dive into the unique requirements that Telco’s place on their database technology.


How to conquer the organisational fear of the breach

Organisations shouldn't fear data breaches, but the way they currently think about them is hindering their ability to combat the threat.

IoT and M2M

The digital office realised: what now?

This year marks the third anniversary of the ‘flexible working law’ passed by the UK government.

Business Continuity

Availability – the changing role of business continuity

Keeping systems running despite whatever life might throw at them is a significant challenge.


“You are only as strong as your weakest link”

Data Analytics & Data Science

Where does a business’s data live?

Organisations must get to grip with the physical, geographic and virtual location of their data - data residency.


Are businesses better or worse off being early adopters of new tech?

Technology has changed the relationship between businesses and their customers, but integrating new tech into operations can produce challenges.


Millions of customers’ data stolen from CeX online games store

Data Analytics & Data Science

UK public libraries to become a ‘single digital presence’?

The process of digitisation is becoming an increasingly common presence in both private and public sector organisations.

Business Skills

Knowledge is power in the fight against cyber attacks

The main hinderance to an organisation fighting off continuous waves of cyber attacks is a lack of understanding regarding the threat.


Blockchain technology: revolutionising logistics in the maritime industry

Marine Transport International has announced a successful pilot of blockchain technology, which will transform the maritime industry.


The front-line defensive measure: penetration testing

Growth in leaked exploit attacks means penetration testing should be a front-line defensive measure, warns Sec-1.