
Nick Ismail is a former editor for Information Age (from 2018 to 2022) before moving on to become Global Head of Brand Journalism at HCLTech. He has a particular interest in smart technologies, AI and cyber security.

Business & Strategy

The importance of adaptability: defining a data leader

What are the defining characteristics of great data leaders, in comparison to traditional business leaders, with a focus on adaptability?

Business Skills

The generation game: bridging the knowledge gap

Organisations are struggling to adapt to bimodal IT, which calls for traditional, and more agile technology skills at the same time.


NHS ‘will be hit by more cyber attacks’


Data breach exposes US workers with high-level security clearance

Communications & Networking

3 factors to consider in choosing the right VPN service

Security should be the most crucial factor when choosing a virtualised private network service.


Unprepared: email phishing scam cons millions from Canadian University

Canada’s MacEwan University had $9.5m stolen in the latest email phishing scam that could have been easily avoided.

Automation & Robotics

Robots could help drive down the retirement age

There is an inherent fear of robots and AI taking over jobs, but these processes should benefit the human worker.


Ransomware represents ‘25% of cyber attacks’ as hackers target UK

Ransomware is on this rise, and specialist cyber insurance is now ‘critical for every business holding data’.

Communications & Networking

Government’s full-fibre broadband trial areas named

The UK Government has named its trial areas for 'full-fibre': Aberdeenshire, West Sussex, Coventry, Warwickshire, Bristol, West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester

Tech Giants

Avoiding poor implementation and gaining value from effective personalisation

Poor personalisation can damage a brand’s reputation and reduce intent to purchase in an era of brand disloyalty.

AI & Machine Learning

GDPR compliance: don’t compromise speed and efficiency

Business Skills

The demand for cloud skills in the UK continues to rise

Cyber security jobs increasingly require certification, while demand for development skills has risen to help manage cloud apps.