
.Michael Baxter is a tech, economic and investment journalist. He has written four books, including iDisrupted and Living in the age of the jerk. He is the editor of Techopian.com and the host of the ESG Show.


Lidar detection system to open up anonymised surveillance

Data Protection & Privacy

GCHQ proposal on eavesdropping on chat services “makes a mockery”


Trainline’s IPO is “a breath of fresh air”

Trainline's IPO is nigh, what makes this UK tech company different from the umpteen other tech IPOs? “It’s a breath of fresh air” we're told.


Secret Double Octopus reveals latest attempt to eliminate passwords


Microsoft announces London flagship store, can techs save the high street?

Data Protection & Privacy

Is China at an advantage in the AI race because of GDPR?

Data Protection & Privacy

Post GDPR and the ownership of data

Data Protection & Privacy

GDPR anniversary: has the regulation backfired? What next?


Wirex and Elliptic unite in new approach to fight cryptocurrency fraud


Intelligent data pipelines partnership revealed by Databricks and Informatica

Data Analytics & Data Science

Making an organisation data literate: Jason Teoh from Openreach, part of BT, talks to Information Age

Healthcare & Life Sciences

“Fantastic” UK life sciences worth £70 billion as personalised medicine gives boost