
Ben was Vitesse Media's editorial director, leading content creation and editorial strategy across all Vitesse products, including its market-leading B2B and consumer magazines, websites, research and events. He joined Vitesse in November 2013 as editor of Information Age magazine and online, and before that was editor of the Middle East's leading technology magazine, Computer News Middle East. He has now moved on to another publication.


Half of DDoS attacks rinse global organisations of $100,000 an hour at peak outage

Consumer Electronics & Mobile

How to tackle the growing complexity of the mobile security landscape in 2016

Communications & Networking

5 steps to choosing the right video conferencing tools

Digital Transformation

Will tech experts make digital transformation their calling card?

Cloud & Edge Computing

Why not all clouds are created equal


Personal data of over 93.4 million Mexican citizens leaked online

Communications & Networking

AlphaGo as a proof of concept for businesses


Know thy enemy: why knowing the location of your attacker is key in defending against DDoS

Data Analytics & Data Science

Lake or swamp? Poor data storage is still holding back companies in their analytics strategies


The desperate need for speed in retail today

Data Storage & Data Lakes

10 years on: why data deduplication is still going strong


With Mozilla Persona on its deathbed where is identity management heading?