
Ben was Vitesse Media's editorial director, leading content creation and editorial strategy across all Vitesse products, including its market-leading B2B and consumer magazines, websites, research and events. He joined Vitesse in November 2013 as editor of Information Age magazine and online, and before that was editor of the Middle East's leading technology magazine, Computer News Middle East. He has now moved on to another publication.

Tech Giants

Gartner: Longhorn will ‘lock in’ users to Microsoft

Business & Strategy

The arms, the genitals and now the legs


Death of a Silicon Valley pioneer

Tech Giants

Microsoft users question continuing Office romance

Digital Transformation

Digital rights management


Pivotal rejects second takeover bid in four days

Tech Giants

Microsoft warns on ‘critical’ Windows flaw

Hardware & Peripherals

Wal-Mart scales back RFID commitment

Tech Giants

Sun hopes Orion will belt the opposition

Tech Giants

Plattner: Oracles bid for PeopleSoft will succeed


Eyretel to be acquired by Witness Systems

Tech Giants

Sage shrugs off Microsoft to post higher sales, profits