
Ben was Vitesse Media's editorial director, leading content creation and editorial strategy across all Vitesse products, including its market-leading B2B and consumer magazines, websites, research and events. He joined Vitesse in November 2013 as editor of Information Age magazine and online, and before that was editor of the Middle East's leading technology magazine, Computer News Middle East. He has now moved on to another publication.


UK government give open source green light

Tech Giants

Linux goes mainstream

Tech Giants

BEA shaken by further departures

Consumer Electronics & Mobile

Deregulation proposals threaten mobile telcos

Legislation & Regulation

FTC says opt-out registry would increase spam

Energy & Utilities

Energy crisis


Building a secure case


Blue Square: Surviving DDoS


Secure services?

Tech Giants

EU agrees Microsoft punishment

Tech Giants

IBM to buy content integrator Venetica

Business Skills
