
Ben was Vitesse Media's editorial director, leading content creation and editorial strategy across all Vitesse products, including its market-leading B2B and consumer magazines, websites, research and events. He joined Vitesse in November 2013 as editor of Information Age magazine and online, and before that was editor of the Middle East's leading technology magazine, Computer News Middle East. He has now moved on to another publication.

Software and Applications

CRM spending rebounds

Consumer Electronics & Mobile

Mobile working

Business Skills

SurfControl gets new CEO

Tech Giants

Apple launches smallest, cheapest PC

Business Skills

Mergers and acquisitions in November

IT management

IT in the fast lane

Media & Marketing

‘Spammer convicted of massive data theft


CIOs to turn night watchmen


Logica to buy Unilog

Consumer Electronics & Mobile

The curse of the BlackBerry

Data Analytics & Data Science

Uncompromised data

Hardware & Peripherals

The death of the PC