
Ben was Vitesse Media's editorial director, leading content creation and editorial strategy across all Vitesse products, including its market-leading B2B and consumer magazines, websites, research and events. He joined Vitesse in November 2013 as editor of Information Age magazine and online, and before that was editor of the Middle East's leading technology magazine, Computer News Middle East. He has now moved on to another publication.

Media & Marketing

Customer Intelligence

Media & Marketing

Customer Intelligence

Data Analytics & Data Science

Search 2.0

Data Protection & Privacy

End of the password era

IT management

Managing the Digital Archive at Kew Gardens

Financial Services

Financial results

Tech Giants

BEA builds its BPM


The security standard

Software and Applications

Intelligence writ large – Extracting meaning from data in corporate networks

Data Analytics & Data Science

ECM for the masses

Data Analytics & Data Science

The evolution of search

Software and Applications

Applying BPM Technology in the Legal Sector