Successful companies closely monitor their data. They are not afraid to track their activity and study it to see where they have faltered in the past. They then make changes to their strategy based on this data to do more of the things that produced positive results and to eliminate tactics that didn’t work.
Some of the metrics they track include those related to employee productivity. This is why even though productivity levels at most companies is dropping, successful companies continue to get the most out of their employees while keeping them happy.
So, if you too want to improve employee productivity at your company it is necessary for you track your overall business activity and your individual employees activity. You can then use this data to make changes at your company that will have a positive effect on employee productivity.
If you are unsure what data points you must track and how to track them, then you have come to the right place. As in this article I am going to list the different metrics that influence employee productivity and how you can track them…
Employee attendance rate
One of the most important metrics you shouldn’t miss tracking is employee attendance. To track this metric effectively you need to pay close attention to both how often employees are coming to the workplace and how much time they are spending there.
If employees aren’t turning up to work properly and if they are leaving early very often, it shows that they aren’t happy with the workplace or the management plan you have in place. And it might be time to make some changes. You need to sit down with frequently absent employees to find out why their attendance is low and what you can do to improve it.
Biometrics time attendance: benefits for your business
Schedule effectiveness
Sometimes employees leave work early or don’t show up at all, because they aren’t happy with the schedule you have set for them. This is why it is necessary for you to regularly experiment with different types of schedules to see which scheduling plans get employees to stay longer at work. So, use a good scheduling software, like Deputy, that comes equipped with templates that make it easy to create different versions of your schedule.
You can then track employee activity while taking the ‘schedule version’ into consideration to see which one resulted in the highest attendance rates.

Remote employee productivity rate
If employees aren’t showing up to work because they are opting to work from home, it is important for you to track their activity at their homes. The data so far on remote employees is mixed. So, it is necessary for you to collect your own data to see if this is working.
There are a lot of tracking tools that can be installed on mobile devices, tablets, desktops/PCs, etc. So, get your employees to install and turn them on when working remotely.
Overtime hours
If a good percentage of your employees are working overtime, it is usually a positive sign. As it shows that they like spending time at work. But context plays a role here. So, you need to consider why they are spending extra time.
If they are doing this on any normal day, then it’s definitely positive. But if they are doing it only during deadlines, it indicates that there’s too much of a workload for your employees and you need to take steps to ease the situation by developing a better schedule or by hiring more employees.
Employee retention rates
Taking employee retention rates into consideration is important too. If it is too high, it indicates that you need to make some changes. Again, just like with overtime hours it is necessary to take context into consideration to see if any specific event is triggering employees to quit.
Most businesses create highly stressful schedules that improve productivity, but destroy employee happiness levels. This leads to a low retention rate. So, you need to be careful to avoid this situation.
These are the five data points you must track while managing your employees. To get a better understand on how these metrics are influencing employee productivity, businesses should take them into consideration while calculating overall labor effectiveness. You can then put them to use in your employee management strategy to boost productivity.